Since finishing the new office my muse decided he needed a break. O_o Like the 2 week break he had while I was painting, ripping up old carpet, and waiting for furniture delivery wasn’t enough for him.
Before starting the office, I was working on an old story…one I had stalled on a while back and left. It was flowing again and coming along nicely. Then the office refurb came up and the muse took a vacation. 2 weeks later and he still hadn’t come home to play. I opened up another story; read it all from beginning to end and BAM…my muse came rushing home!
I managed a good 1,300 words last night. That’s more than I’ve written in the last month, sadly, and the flow hasn’t stopped yet. I may actually get this story finished before 2010! It’s due to release in August *bites nails* We’ll see how that all works out.