About Lily Graison

Lily Graison is a USA TODAY bestselling author of historical western romances. She also writes a variety of genres under the name L. R. Grasion. Most all of her stories lean heavily to the spicy side with strong female leads and heroes who tend to always get what they want. She writes full time and lives in Hickory, NC with her husband and a house full of Yorkies

Excerpt: Wicked: Leather and Lace [Wicked series Book 2]

I have an excerpt today for Wicked 2. Roxy finally gets a small taste of Luke! ———- Roxy made her way to the bar wanting to kick her own ass every step of the way. Where was her `go get `em’ attitude when she needed it? That little blonde wasn’t anything to get worked up over, yet just sitting there watching her cuddle up with Luke was enough to cause thoughts of violence to override clear judgment. She wanted to hurt her. Bad. But really, who could blame her? She’d do the exact same thing given her position. It was the fact that she wasn’t in that position that stung. Sighing heavily, she stopped at the bar, waiting several minutes until the bartender spotted her before ordering. “Tequila. Make it a double.” “Make that two.” Roxy turned her head at the sound of Luke’s voice and barely kept the smile on her face from making her look insane. Had he followed her? She looked back at the table, noticing the blonde still sitting there, her attention now centered on Mick. So, she was one of those, was she? “Is Mick going to give your girlfriend back before the night is over?” she said, motioning to the table with a tilt of her head. Luke glanced back over his shoulder, smiling as he turned and faced Roxy again. “I’m growing rather bored of blondes. I’m in the mood for… brunettes tonight,” he said, lifting a strand of her hair and rubbing it between his fingers. She locked eyes with him, her pulse quickening when he leaned forward and smelled her hair. Roxy smiled, glancing away from him when the bartender placed their drinks in front of them. Luke said something to the man behind the bar and Roxy wasn’t at all … Keep Reading!

Edits Almost Done!

I just finsihed the 4th pass of edits for Wicked: Leather and Lace. I’m way behind. I should have finsihed already but I’ve had my nose buried in a book all week, or rather, books, I should say. I read 7 this past week. I can’t help it, I love to read as much as I love to write. When editing a book, I go half blind looking for typos. My editor and my reader can only find so many so I always worry one has slipped by us. It happened with That First Christmas. I caught one in that story the day before I sent it in. I’ll never forget it. I gasped when I saw it and then laughed until I cried. The word was supposed to be…t-shirt. What did I actually type? T-shit. Yeah. LOL So, when you’re reading your favorite author and you see a typo, don’t think it’s just laziness that left it behind. No matter how many people have their hands on a story before it goes live, we’re all human. We make mistakes. Some funnier than others, but it happens. I still find them in books by my favorite authors so I don’t feel so bad when I find one in my own books once they’ve hit the virtual bookshelves. It doesn’t make me less nervous about them being there though. It just makes me more nuerotic in finding them before I hit the ’send’ button. All material &copy2005-2012 to Lily Graison

Story Excerpt

March 8, 2009 is the release of Wicked: Leather and Lace [Wicked Series Book 2]. I’ve added an excerpt for the story to the book pages at my website. Head over there to get a sneak peek at the book and of Luke and Roxy! Wicked: Leather and Lace All material &copy2005-2012 to Lily Graison

FREE Valentine’s Day Story

We have a new Free read today! Find out how to get your copy by visiting the Free Reads page at my website. Something Old, Something New – FREE EBOOK Elizabeth Collins is determined to get out of the small town she grew up in and marrying David will make those dreams a reality. But when her oldest, dearest friend, who just happens to be the man who has set her nights on fire with passion unlike anything she’s ever felt, seduces her only minutes before she says “I Do,” doubt plagues her mind and forces her to imagine what life without him, and his sensual touch, would mean. Jason Lowery has one chance left. He won’t let Liz go without a fight and he’s determined to show her how good they can be together, if she’d just stop being so pig-headed about it. He’ll prove to her he’s the only man she’s meant to be with one way or another. All material &copy2005-2012 to Lily Graison

New Covers

I just finished the covers for Wicked, books 3 and 4, and wanted to share. So, what’da think? Nice, huh! They’re colorful and bright, which is what I like. I’ll get the story pages, excerpts, and the blurbs, up on my website as soon as I get them polished. All material &copy2005-2012 to Lily Graison

Monthly Contest

We have a winner for our January eBook give-away. (winner listed on contest page at www.lilygraison.com) I was a bit surprised at the number of entries and feel bad I can only give away one book, so I’ve decided to hold a monthly contest to ease my conscience. Every month, thru December 09, I’ll be holding a contest for 1 winner. The prizes will vary from eBooks to Print books so be sure to come by lilygraison.com every month to see what the give-away is and to enter. The winners of each monthly contest will be announced on my site only, so you’ll need to pop in over here to see the winner’s list. The next contest begins on February 1, so mark your calendars! All material &copy2005-2012 to Lily Graison

New Distraction

It was bound to happen. I’m the worlds worst procrastinator. I have no excuse for it and I’ll admit it openly. I have a lazy streak I can’t seem to rid myself of and now, I’ve found ONE more thing to distract me. TWITTER!! Like I needed something else to take me away from my word documents. lolAnyway, if you ‘twitter’ look me up. http://twitter.com/LilyGraison All material &copy2005-2012 to Lily Graison