Bestseller on Fictionwise!

That First Christmas is the NUMBER 1 Bestselling Holiday story at!! Talk about a great christmas present!

It’s also hit the Romance Chart at #4 and the over all Bestseller list at #12. I’ll be watching closely to see if it moves again. I expect it to start a slow climb down now that christmas is over but what a rush! It has totally made my week. I guess I need to get busy on this new story now, huh?

First round edits on Wicked 2 are done…still more to do though and the Valentines Day story I’ll be offering up as a Free Read is all but done. It looks to be a busy year in 2009…which is fine by me. I recieved a brand new, shiny Red laptop for christmas so, I have no excuse not to write! lol

All material &copy2005-2012 to Lily Graison

Merry Christmas!

I can’t beleive it’s almost Christmas! This year has flown by. The older I get, the quicker it all goes.

My gifts are all bought, and wrapped, and I’m off to my Mom’s early tomorrow morning for breakfast and lazing about.

A reader, Mari, sent me this picture and I just had to share. hehe I hope Santa looks JUST like that when he visits tonight!

Have a Merry Christmas, everyone!! Eat lots of junk and enjoy your families even when they get on your nerves.

All material &copy2005-2012 to Lily Graison

Coming up for air…

This has been my first week of Christmas vacation (I have 3 weeks total) and I’ve been plotting and writing like a fiend. I managed to get 62 pages written on a new story and pages upon pages of notes/outlines and then – I hit a roadblock. A major one. The story stalled 2 days ago and I’ve been struggling to get words down. Today, I trashed the outline and started over, re-writing an extensive synopsis that works.

Sadly, I had to gut the story. It was painful beyond the telling of it and I’m left with a mere 18 pages. **head desk, rub and repeat.**

The story is a paranormal, in case you’re wondering. I’m doing my first werewolf story. That’s probably why I’m having such issues with it. Playing in a new sandbox isn’t easy. It’s fun, but difficult. To me it is, anyway.

Okay, I should be writing instead of procrastinating. LOL I’ve added a few polls to the right to liven the page up a bit so, if you’re so inclined to give me a few minutes of your time I would appreciate it!

All material &copy2005-2012 to Lily Graison

Muse Wars

I know you’ve heard many authors talk about their ‘muse’ and how fickle they can be. Well, mine is no different. Well, almost no different. He’s such a lazy, unruly thing, that most days I can’t get him interested in anything. I say he but who knows what the muse really is. It’s that little voice in the back of your head. The thing that whispers story plots in your ear and can show you entire scenes in your head. It’s a wonderful tool…when said muse hasn’t deserted you.

Mine, deserted me. The lazy bum. Took off for a few months on an extended holiday but is back now, apparently. I’ve been whizzing through stories like a wild thing and it’s fun and scary and quite the rush. I’ve always been a slow writer. Always. From way back in 2002 when I sat down at the computer and started writing my very first fanfic. It took me ages to write it but…I finished it! Eventually. (And no, I hope no one ever reads them. I still cringe while looking at them. Talk about awful stuff!) I can’t even remember how many completed stories I have but it took years to get some of them done and when I took the leap into original fiction, that slow, dragging process came with me. And hung around for 3 years.

I’ve been writing for 6 years now and it’s taken me THAT long to learn how to turn off my internal editor and just…write. I think Nora Roberts called a first draft story, Word Vomit, and that’s what I do now. Just spit it all out and pretty it up in the edit process. Which brings me to the entire point of this entry. The muse wants two sandboxes to play in at once!

With Wicked 2 finished (its in edits) I should be working on Wicked 3, Christian’s story, but what did I do yesterday? 18 pages of a brand new story! I’m still flabbergasted at how quickly it all came. It was like some wild, wicked rush of words and flashes of scenes in my head and when I turned the computer off last night, me hero had just come to the heroines rescue, again. I feel bad for Christian. He’s been waiting for months to tell his story and now Cole, my new hero, has bullied his way to the front of the line and demanded attention. I’m not going to complain too much. He’s quite delicious and playing with him *cough* has been in no way a burden.

2009 looks to be a promising year. I have 4 stories already on the Alinar release schedule (just in the first 6 months) and with as quickly as plot ideas are coming to me, it’s really hard to tell what the latter part of 2009 will hold. It’ll be fun to see where my muse takes me. He’s already made up for his slack behavior in a major way. Let’s just hope he doesn’t fall off the wagon and pick up the bottle again.

All material &copy2005-2012 to Lily Graison

Out Now! New contemporary romance ebook by Lily Graison…

That First Christmas - Contemporary Romance That First Christmas
Meredith Gunter has always been Daddy’s little girl. Spoiled all her life, she’s never had to ask for anything and expects to get exactly what she wants. When she wrecks her car on the way home from college for Christmas break, she finds herself stranded on the mountain in the middle of a snowstorm, in a one-room cabin with a man she can’t help but want.

Travis Gregory has lived alone on the mountain for the last four years. He has little contact with the outside world and prefers it that way. When he spots a girl on the side of the road, his conscience won’t let him abandon her. The redhead captivates him instantly.

Worlds collide when Travis and Meredith try to co-exist in his one room cabin until the storm breaks. Can they fight the growing attraction when the nights get longer and the storm isolates them from the rest of the world?

Can two people, from such different worlds, ever truly be happy together?

Price: $2.49

Buy now or read an excerpt at Alinar Publishing

All material &copy2005-2012 to Lily Graison

Story Complete!

Wicked 2: Leather and Lace is done! Well, the first draft if finished. I exceeded my target word count by a few thousand, which is always good, but we’ll see how much of that remains once the edits are done. I was treated to a steak dinner last night in celebration of my accomplishment and you’ll never guess who we saw. Billy Ray Cyrus!!!! Okay, so it wasn’t really Billy Ray but dude looked JUST like him! 92′ version, that is. He even had the awesome-tastic mullet, with long hair. It was like a train wreck. I could not stop staring. LOL

I have Wicked 3 open, Christians story, and I’m itching to start it. I promised myself a break this weekend and that’s what I intend to do. I have a handful of video rentals waiting so it’s just me, the DVD player, and a bunch of sappy movies. After my miraculous 13-day, 30,000-word Christmas story, and finally getting wicked 2 finished, I deserve a break. One in which I’m off to enjoy despite Christian whispering in my ear.

Have a great weekend!

All material &copy2005-2012 to Lily Graison