I’m in love…
I’m in love with the word Before. My crit partner has been going over Destined Hearts and pointing the word out to me. Apparently my over-use of it is distracting to her. So, I thought I’d see exactly how many times I used it. Out of the entire 71,500 word ms, I used ‘before’ 764 times. Yeah, I’d say I was in love. LOL Now the task of highlighting each one and trying to rework the sentence. It’s no surprise its there though. My last story was the word ‘as’. I over-used it too. I cut those and made the entire draft much cleaner. I just wish I would have learned my lesson and not made the same mistake in this manuscript. I’m curious as to what the next story will bring. What one word will sneak in there and be the gnat in my story. I almost can’t wait to see. I hope its something more interesting than as or before. I need a real challenge! All material ©2005-2012 to Lily Graison