Edits a-go-go
Two post in one week. I must be feverish! I’m neck deep in edits. I normally HATE editing. It’s grueling and in no way fun but I love it this go around. Why, you ask? Well, it’s so nice to actually have something TO edit! I’ve been struggling with my story for…well, a long time. I never thought I would finsih it. For the longest time it looked to be one of those stories that just sat, collecting dust until it was forgotten completly. I’m actually working on two stories at once. Yes, crazy, but when one tries to drag me down, I just switch to the other. I honestly believe I’m ADHD. I can’t seem to stay focused on one task for long. If I have something else to occupy my time, I’m there. Hopefully I can keep this schedule up when I head back to work on Monday. The first story is Destined Hearts. The ‘labor of love’ I mentioned a few days ago. The first 13 chapters of it were written 4 years ago. I’ve learned a lot about writing since then so you can imagine the shape those chapters are in. It’s almost like completly rewritting the story. But that’s okay. It needs it and like I said, editing is a piece of cake to me now. The book will be finished and I can celebrate once all is said and done. The second story is actually an old story. I’m rewriting pieces of it that I don’t like, adding things I thought of after the fact and cleaning it up. I’ve been wanting to do it for ages now so I finally just decided…why not? It should be ready soon and then I’ll tell you what it is and what I have planned for it. … Keep Reading!