About Lily Graison

Lily Graison is a USA TODAY bestselling author of historical western romances. She also writes a variety of genres under the name L. R. Grasion. Most all of her stories lean heavily to the spicy side with strong female leads and heroes who tend to always get what they want. She writes full time and lives in Hickory, NC with her husband and a house full of Yorkies

New Release!

Running to escape a life of servitude may have taken her out of a bad situation but being a Native woman means she can never escape the way people see her. The prejudice Morning Dove faces is a daily reminder that she doesn’t really belong with these people but one man makes her forget she’s an outsider. Looking at him, she longs for things she never thought to have and all she has to do is reach out and grab them … if she could only get over her fear of speaking to him. Ben Atwater has more problems than any one man should and most of them he brought on by himself. The only bright spot in his life is a pretty Native girl who will barely look at him. Morning Dove is an enigma he wants to explore but his past has tainted his future. Will a woman like her want a man as miserable as him? And if so, can he keep her once he has her in his arms? Buy Link  

Introducing L. R. Graison

If you’ve followed me for awhile, you’ve probably seen some of my books disappearing from retail sites. The reason for this was…I just didn’t think those werewolves and rock stars sit well next to my cowboys. The books were all older and they looked out of place so…I removed them, which I really hated to do because I Love Those books! They might have been written years ago but saying goodbye to them hurt my heart. When I wrote the new SciFi Romances, I noticed the same thing…they just didn’t look right sitting next to my cowboys but I wasn’t ready to pull the plug on those. They were still ‘new’ enough taking them down seemed foolish so I did the next best thing. I created a new Pen Name. L. R. Graison will be the name I use to release any future ‘non cowboy’ books. The Prison Moon sci-fi romance books have been moved (the name change already appears on these books and are available on the L. R. Graison Amazon page) and in 2021, I will be rebranding and re-releasing my Night Breeds paranormal romance series (which I really hope to get back to one day. Sabriel is screaming for his story!) and the Wicked Series, my contemporary rock star romances. I’ve set up a new Newsletter list for L. R. Graison books. I know I have a few ‘sci-fi’ readers who may not care about the cowboy books and I’m sure there are Willow Creek fans who would rather not hear about my alien warlords and the dragon shifters on Prison Moon One so now, you can chose which Newsletter list to be on. If you subscribe to my Newsletter and like the ‘Lily’ historicals, then you don’t have to do anything at all. You’ll still receive … Keep Reading!

Get A Soft Kiss In Spring Now!

Rose Campbell is happy being the town spinster, so when her grandfather sends off for not one, but four mail-order grooms, she’s forced to turn to the man she loves to hate in order to get rid of them. Graham Hart has spent years in a verbal battle with Rose so when she asks for his help, he jumps at the chance to finally get the upper hand. But one soft kiss changes everything and life as they knew it may never be the same again.    Buy Link

A Soft Kiss in Winter is Now Availabe At All eBook Retailers!

One of the requirements for putting a book into Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited program is it has to stay for  90 days. Once its up, you can pull it out but….you have to remember to ‘un-tick’ the box saying ‘stay in Kindle Unlimited’ or…it rolls over and it stuck for another 90 days. You have no idea how many times I kept forgetting to do that! The book is now wide for those of you who were waiting for it to come out. The buy links are below.    Running away from home to marry the man she thought was the love of her life should have been the happy ending Victoria Stanford expected it to be, but things rarely work out as one plans. When her husband suddenly dies and leaves her stranded in the middle of nowhere, alone and scared, she thinks she’s saved when she sees three men headed her way. Relief turns to fear when she realizes they weren’t the type of men a single woman should trust. When they chase up the side of a mountain and overtake her, she does the only thing she can. She screams and hopes they kill her quickly. Gideon Hart has spent the last six years roaming the mountain after tragedy changed his life forever. Since then, he’s never encountered another living soul other than his brother—until now. The scream he hears echoing through the trees brings back memories he’s been trying to forget. When he finds a woman being attacked, he does what he has to in order to ensure her safety. Getting her to town should be his only concern but the trek across the mountain with Victoria causes his world to shift and for feelings, he’s denied himself for too long to surface. He doesn’t deserve to … Keep Reading!

Willow Creek Make-Over

  Some of you may have seen the new covers I’m having made for the Willow Creek series and for those who haven’t, surprise! The series is getting a facelift and I’m still excited every time I see a new cover. The Lawman came out way back in November 2011. Hard to beleive its been seven years since I took a notion to write a book in a genre I loved to read. I had no clue if I would be sucessful writing them and at the time, I didn’t really care. I just enjoyed the genre and took a leap. And here we are, eight novels later.  The rebrand started with Nightingale. I hired a cover artist to make the cover for me as they were time consuming for me to do and–I’m a writer, not a cover artist. When I received the cover, I loved it so much I decided to have them all rebranded to match. Below are those last four novels, all with new covers.         This month, I’m starting on the first four books – the Avery brothers. The Lawman was first and I received the cover today. One thing I wanted to do with these, was keep them as close to the orignals as I could so no one would mistake them for differnt (new) books. I’ve grown fond of the couples on the front of the books which made it hard to repleace them on His Brother’s Wife and A Willow Creek Christmas. The photos I had used just didn’t work with this new design so they had to be changed but — I’m in no way disappointed. They are super sexy now! The Outlaw will get its make-over in January, with the last two coming in February and March and I … Keep Reading!

The 129th (Old) Soldiers Reunion

  In the town I grew up in, there is a yearly event that everyone looks forward to and this week marks the 129th Soldiers Reunion Week. The Soldiers Reunion is (credited as) the longest-running patriotic celebration in the United States not based on an official holiday. The tradition began in the county seat town (Newton, NC in Catawba County) on July 4, 1889, when Civil War veterans answered a statewide call for recognition of their wartime service and to register for pensions. The gathering, then on Court Square, led to annual veterans’ reunions, starting the popular patriotic event then called Old Soldiers Reunion. The Catawba County Museum of History – which is located in the downtown 1924 courthouse – displays a patriotic exhibit of historic military displays all week and is free to the public. Events around town include a Classic Car Show on Courthouse Square on Sunday, outdoor concerts with street dances on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, a ‘patriotic’ baby parade, and a “Pet Mania” dog show. Then on Thursday, Reunion Day, downtown surrounding the 1924 circa courthouse, craft vendors, artists, craftsmen and food trucks line up around the square. A memorial service is held at 10 a.m. honoring veterans & members of patriotic organizations in the county who have died during the past year is followed by a Jazz concert and a fish fry at the American Legion for the counties veterans….then the fun begins! 4:00 p.m. marks the start of the mile-long parade around town, which gets bigger every year (last time I went it was over an hour and a half long). 8,000 – 10,000 people show up for the parade and if that wasn’t enough, afterward, there’s a seniors dance and more music. The week is finished with the (29th annual) Southern Biscuit Soldiers Reunion … Keep Reading!

New Release and Giveaway

    I noticed today while doing website maintenance that–I never hit the ‘publish’ button on this post! So…without further ado…. . Back in September 2017, my writing friend, Alexandra Marell started talking about a Sci-Fi Romance ‘world’ she had been thinking about and the books she’d like to write for it. I helped her brainstorm ideas for her new series and by the next day, I had a plot bunny–one I sat down and banged out 1,000 words of in record time. The plot bunny turned into a story, then a full-length novel and now, seven months later, Dragon Fire, my first ever Sci-Fi Romance has been published. I love writing westerns. I love the simplicity of the time period, the struggles the people back then faced and the fact men were men. They worked hard, loved their families, and were fiercely protective. One of the things I try to do when writing them is to stay as period correct and factual as I can. Researching is time-consuming an sometimes more difficult than others and for this reason alone, I think that Sci-Fi plot bunny ran so fast and furious through my head. Science Fiction doesn’t hold the same restraints as historicals do. It pretty much –  if you can dream it, you can make it happen, so I did. Writing Dragon Fire was very liberating. It gave me a creative outlet to just let my imagination run wild without having to stop and “look things up” and I don’t remember the last time writing a book had been so much fun. For those of you who read my westerns–don’t fret. I WILL NOT stop writing them. They are where my heart is. Willow Creek book 8 is nearly done so look for it very soon but for now, … Keep Reading!

Prison Moon – Dragon Fire – 1st Chapter Preview

It’s #TeaserTuesday so I thought I’d share a bit more about my upcoming book in the Prison Moon Series is set to release on April 24th! I’m beyond excited to share this new world I’ve created with Alexandra Marell. Take a peek below at the first chapter of my contribution to the series, DRAGON FIRE. ______________________________________     Prison Moon: Dragon Fire – Sci-Fi Romance by Lily Graison Abducted by aliens and housed in an airtight room with twenty other girls wasn’t Sara’s idea of a good time. Neither was being dropped into the jungle of a Prison Moon, but for the rest of the galaxy, it was. She was the entertainment. The game? Survive the lawless alien criminals who ran wild or die trying, but there was no outrunning a dragon, and he didn’t seem to be in any hurry to let her go.    Toren has spent the last several centuries sleeping beneath the rubble of an abandoned temple. The wars decimated his world and now was used as a dumping ground for the most vile creatures in the galaxy. A Prison Moon where it was kill or be killed. He slumbers to escape but awakes when a female, the first he’s seen in centuries, stumbles into his lair. And now that he’s seen her, he’s not letting her go.    But the corporation that runs Prison Moon One has other plans. Broadcasting a televised event across the galaxy of an Arena fight between a live dragon and any willing to fight him will bring in more viewers, and money, than they could imagine. All they had to do was catch him and to do that, they had to take the girl.       1 __________ SARA The screaming finally stopped. Sara closed her eyes and sighed in … Keep Reading!